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Hey cartesi. can u collaboration with black desert online ?.

black desert is the most best mmorpg game all time in the world

1 ответов

17 просмотров

Hey Melaka, we cannot ask them for it but I want to give some details about Cartesi's tech about gaming; if you familiar with us Cartesi is a company that has developed an Optimistic Rollup solution using RISC-V architecture that allows for the porting of Linux OS into Rollups. This means that developers can use their favorite languages and libraries to build high-performing rollup appchains with dedicated CPUs, without having to compete with other DApps for resources in the Cartesi ecosystem. And about MMORPGs, yeah Cartesi's Optimistic Rollups solution provides significant computational scalability, which is essential for games that require a high degree of computational power to run, such as MMORPGs. Here is also example of The Cartesi Machine runs Doom: https://twitter.com/edubart/status/1621512794339446786 I cannot say that we will collaborate on a specific project in the future, but I wanted to tell you what Cartesi Machine is capable of. Keep familiar and stay tuned for us!

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