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Regarding your hive account, the keys haven’t been changed so,

I’d ask on the Leo discord if they can help. You’re using the private keys specifically, not public right? (Public start with STM…). Also you can’t use every type of key for logins and stuff, posting key is used for that. But, if it’s something else happening, or some other process needed they may have more info for you

5 ответов

7 просмотров

Yeah. I have another hive account I started in May and I use the private posting key. Although I had created the account on dbuzz rather

Grapthar - Splinterlands Team- Автор вопроса
Praise J.J.
Yeah. I have another hive account I started in May...

I’d recommend checking out hive-keychain.com, there’s a browser extension and app that’ll store posting and active keys for you, and let you sign TXs safely (logins, blogging, and transfers and stuff)

Grapthar - Splinterlands Team
I’d recommend checking out hive-keychain.com, ther...

I already use hive keychain for my other account though. But the keys for the inleo one aren't working, I've tried hivesigner, ecency, dbuzz, inleo

Grapthar - Splinterlands Team- Автор вопроса
Praise J.J.
I already use hive keychain for my other account t...

Okay good. I’d ask the Leo discord. Maybe they can provide better info

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