209 похожих чатов

When having a few Hex stakes let's say; does your

T shares accumulate or combine if makes sense ? So let's say as a principle that I have stake with 3 T shares & another Stake with 3 T shares & combined this is 6T shares..(2 stakes ) does the reward just pay 3 for each individual or is it a combined thing. Not sure I make sense

4 ответов

15 просмотров

My interpretation of what you're asking is if its beneficial to have fewer stakes instead of more? If so it is.

My interpretation of what you're asking is if its ...

HEX shares are (like the name implies) simply your shares of the contract daily payouts. The less transactions you do, the less you get rekt on network fees.

Nenad [I won't dm you]
HEX shares are (like the name implies) simply your...

When inflation calculates off of hex supply, does it count the good accounted hex in the supply that the inflation is calculated from? I know it counts liquid hex and burned hex (staked) when it calculates inflation. Does is count GA hex too?

Pulse DCA Club Hex_is_the_way
When inflation calculates off of hex supply, does ...

Inflation is defined as increase in circulating supply, usually presented as relative inflation and often annualized. GA does not mint coins.

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