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If I make a 10 year stake with my Pulse

HEX and then a few days later make a second stake for 11 years, would that officially be a ladder stake? Even though there's only two stakes and I didn't make them at the same time?

3 ответов

15 просмотров

Yes because it will end a ten year stake every year if you keep going

Yep! That's making a staking ladder. My ladder consists of 10 stakes between 2024 till 2034 that end on my birthday. And I started those 10 stakes all on the same day (I picked a low gwei moment).

Leon- Автор вопроса
Yep! That's making a staking ladder. My ladder con...

Nice! I'm just going to do two stakes. One that ends in 10 years and one that ends in 11 years.

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