209 похожих чатов

Rhys! Finally! Answer this. Please! 1. Why are you dumping

your OMI billions and killing the price?

2. And why, even in mid 2023 isnt OMI in more exchanges?

7 ответов

13 просмотров

Please don't share misinformation in here

Gems should have been OMI the whole time.

Ryan-Duckling Автор вопроса
Ahmad AmaZix
Please don't share misinformation in here

Onchain data isnt misinformation. Easy to disprove if really false. 🙈

Ryan Duckling
Onchain data isnt misinformation. Easy to disprove...

on-chain data is not misinformation, your interpretation of the wallet owner would be though

Ryan Duckling
Onchain data isnt misinformation. Easy to disprove...

Gems should have been OMI the whole time and price will rise

Gems should have been OMI the whole time and price...

that was part of the original design, you could swap OMI to gems and use them that way, but when the NFT bubble started and we had to rebuild everything it wasn't viable anymore. but really if there was no gem system we couldnt have the app in the app stores, as they require all purchases to be in-app purchase, so veve wouldnt have seen anywhere near the level of success that it did from a user standpoint. but using OMI to buy NFTs is making a comeback with the token utilities/OUP, which im sure we are all very much looking forward to!

I wish i had billions of tokens! haha this is an open market with 10's of thousands of participants (day traders, swing traders, short term and long term investors, exchanges, market makers etc...). No one controls the price, but until there's real demand for the token and more liquidity price movements will always be volatile, and retail investors always capitulate the lows, It's all just part of the crypto market cycle. Even the big dogs (bitcoin and eth) went down 80-85% Exchanges are part of the product rollout strategy. I am as frustrated as everyone else that it hasn't happened yet, but now that Mitch and Nestor have restructured and expanded our teams we have a dedicated blockchain team to build all the infrastructure and integrations we need. With that we can create that sustainable demand and uses for the token, which in turn makes it easier to list on exchanges as we can show a solid userbase and adoption metrics alongside utilities

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