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Join us on an upcoming Twitter Spaces! Limit Orders on

Carbon DEX- Volume AMA

Decide on a strategy & let Carbon do the rest 🗿

Learn about recurring strategies, MEV, and more with guest speakers from Bancor.

Wed, May 10

Set your reminder -> https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1ypKddOgOrRKW?s=20

Don't forget to claim your OAT after attending the live call!


4 ответов

9 просмотров

Mehn I missed this, was there a recording?

Jen- Автор вопроса
Sam Kroenke
Mehn I missed this, was there a recording?

You didn't miss it actually. It's scheduled to begin in about 11 hours from now

Jen- Автор вопроса
Sam Kroenke
Oh! I just looked it up again

I'm glad you're looking forward to it 🤍

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