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I realise that Holo network is intended to be an

alternative however in the short term accessing all apps (web2 & web3) from one place (say the Launcher or a special browser) would, I suggest, boost adoption. If holo network can handle data from WWW and route it through to an happ... why cant a Happ route messages back to the WWW as it got send some data back to the holo user via WWW anyway? Excuse my ignorance, but I dont like NO.. prefer difficult but possible, if.. hehehe

2 ответов

18 просмотров

I'm saying it is technically possible to use the hardware and network connections but not feasible or sensible through holochain and holo itself. My guess is tat It would likely be much easier to develop a separate software, that can bridge the internet to a mesh network user, theough a holoport (or any pc with ingernet). That software could be built for installation on Holoports and other devices and you could even develop a happ that tracks the throughput and charges for the usage/access of the Mesh-User. The biggest problem I see on Holo's side, is that Holoports require software loaded into the browsers of www-users for the connection and the bridge to happs.

Terry- Автор вопроса

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