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Anyone having problems using swap on metamask/ledger on eth network?

9 ответов

6 просмотров

Problems as in crazy fees? Yes, we al have that problem.

Michael- Автор вопроса
Not fees just general Error using swap

What kind of error? Timeout, out of gas error...

Not fees just general Error using swap

ensure browser, MM extension and all Ledger firmware and software is up to date. Note that firefox deprecated U2F browser support so you may need to use a workaround or another browser.

Michael- Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
What kind of error? Timeout, out of gas error...

failed transactions, after i confirm with ledger metamask continues to think/spin.. only on swaps. I can send/receive ok


check everything is updated, then remove\replug your device and restart chrome

Michael- Автор вопроса
Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ [I won't DM you]
check everything is updated, then remove\replug yo...

i uninstalled metamask but still issues.. i thought it is eth network issues

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