209 похожих чатов

Hello, I am Ashamer from UNCX, a DeFi service provider.

I am contacting you to ask if there is any room for a potential collaboration. Is there anyone whom I can potentially talk to about this?

19 ответов

51 просмотр
Shall I write a DM?

He will answer when he sees the message

Ashamer- Автор вопроса
Thank you, I will wait 🙏

Ashamer (0) has increased reputation of Jeff Will NeVer DM First. Beware of Imposters Verify (177)

sounds like an MMA association

what do you suggest and do you know that we are chaotic good?

Das Baum (DMs are scams, support only in public chat)

There is no marketing team. We are a true decentralized project. There are no cooperations and no partnerships, no payments. All marketing efforts are done by the community through crowdsourcing and individual projects.

Ashamer- Автор вопроса
Das Baum (DMs are scams, support only in public chat)
sounds like an MMA association

Well, not exactly but fair enough 😅 I saw that you have some liquidity on ETH that is in fact unlocked. As a company who is mostly known for Web3 network security, I wanted to ask if you are perhaps interested in locking that liquidity with us.

Well, not exactly but fair enough 😅 I saw that you...

How do you know @bpkdasbaum is a liquidity provider? And why would anyone send anyone else their LP tokens? Sounds like a scam.

Ashamer- Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
How do you know @bpkdasbaum is a liquidity provide...

I do not know, but the best way to get that information would be to ask on the official telegram chat of the project, don't you think? Also we are not a scam, you can look us up if you do not believe me.

I do not know, but the best way to get that inform...

Are you telling me you actually get people send you LP tokens?

Das Baum (DMs are scams, support only in public chat)
not interested thank you though

Das Baum (DMs are scams, support only in public chat) (262) has increased reputation of Ashamer (1)

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