209 похожих чатов

Yeah, seriously, what's with all the huge stakes getting nuked?

Almost 2 dozen significant nukes in the past hour?
Some old permissions get compromised or something?

5 ответов

24 просмотра

Someone probably held their keys on a phone or a computer.

JD 🎴- Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
Someone probably held their keys on a phone or a c...

2 dozen EES is a little high to all be just one person hacked though, right? 2 more just now, a 5 million, and 9 million one. What the hell is going on?

JD 🎴
2 dozen EES is a little high to all be just one pe...

someone probably got their keys stolen. it happens.. lots of examples all the time of why you should use a hardware wallet ( if that's what's happening )

JD 🎴
2 dozen EES is a little high to all be just one pe...

From the ones I check, they are all from the same address ...7df.

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