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Let'S open a discussion: How about we point out the main

capabilities of iExec and share this discussion here on Telegram and on Discord?

What are the advantages in the competitive market? What strengths of iExec's technology can contribute to digital transformation?

And, how can we further motivate users, developers and companies to use iExec's Web3 Marketplace?

I share here an article that summarizes the main capabilities of iExec technology, but together we can go further.


I count on your participation! Thanks!

2 ответов

17 просмотров

nice Paulo

Paulo-Espírito Santo Автор вопроса
Tudor CM - Spanish
nice Paulo

Thank you Doru! I hope the Zeckers participate in force and share their thoughts on the released topics, so that we can create a compilation of ideas and publish them on the blog!

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