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6 ответов

10 просмотров

hi guys can i stake MOVR ?

Salvo ️
hi guys can i stake MOVR ?

Hi. You can stake GLMR and MOVR over the official Moonbeam dApp: https://apps.moonbeam.network/moonbeam/staking and https://apps.moonbeam.network/moonriver/staking here is the guide: https://moonbeam.network/tutorial/stake-glmr/ and https://moonbeam.network/tutorial/stake-movr/ tutorial on choosing a collator: https://moonbeam.network/tutorial/choose-a-collator-on-moonbeam-and-moonriver/ you can check the current APR here: https://stakeglmr.com and https://stakemovr.com here is the video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHbKJrGd-qs

Salvo ️
Period unstake?

2 days for Moonriver and 7 days for Moonbeam

Salvo ️
OK thank you

You are welcome. Let us know if you have other question.

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