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I can't see my PulseChain MainNet HEX stakes. Are they

available to be seen?

When at https://go.hex.com/stake, I get the message:

"HEX is not available on PulseChain MainNet. Please switch MetaMask to a supported network to use HEX."

17 ответов

22 просмотра

When you stake HEX, it is burned and no longer shows in your wallet. The same applies for HEX on Ethereum. You need to check a compatible HEX front end

Use another front end such as icosa

Randy- Автор вопроса
Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ [I won't DM you]

HEX can't be turned off. Decentralized ways to run the HEX contract: go.hex.com | app.icosa.pro | go.tshare.app | apphex.win | backuphex.com | hexmob.win | staker.app | etherscan.io and other HEX contract frontends app.icosa.pro | apphex.win | hexmob.win | staker.app | go.tshare.app currently connect to both Ethereum and Pulsechain networks For more details see hexicans.info/hex-smart-contract

Randy- Автор вопроса
OK, thx. I'll check it out.

Randy (14) has increased reputation of Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ [I won't DM you] (679)

Randy- Автор вопроса
HEX can't be turned off. Decentralized ways to run...

I looked at the "app.icosa.pro" link and it wasn't very helpful. It doesn't hold a candle to https://go.hex.com.

I looked at the "app.icosa.pro" link and it wasn't...

yeah is there another way to check our pulsechain stakes other than on icosa?

yeah is there another way to check our pulsechain ...

there are several frontends in the HEX ecosystem. Some already support main some not. ICOSA is up for mainnet already

okay i shall wait, thanks for the heads up

Ben (10) has increased reputation of HashMiner In HEX we trust..... (1)

Randy- Автор вопроса
HashMiner In HEX we trust.....
there are several frontends in the HEX ecosystem. ...

Icosa does not appear to be that good. If this is the best we'll get, that won't be good.

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