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Cartesi is a layer 2 solution on Layer 1 solution on Ethereum and a layer 3 solution on layer 2 solutions like Arbitrium and Optimism. The Cartesi Rollups is an infrastructure for Application-Specific Rollups with a custom RISC-V-based virtue machine. Being an Application specific means your application can have it own virtue machine and will not compete with other DApps for blockspace while having the same security guarantees of the base layer that you choose. ( Remember it can run on a layer 1 as a layer 2 in this case your base layer could be Ethereum and it can run as a layer 3 on another layer 2 like Arbitrium and Optimism) Cartesi's VM can boot an entire Linux OS, meaning developers are not limited to a specific programming language as is the case with other blockchains and they can use any mainstream language, tools, and libraries for building DApps You can take a deep dive into Cartesi's Thesis for more details https://medium.com/cartesi/application-specific-rollups-e12ed5d9de01

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