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I think the fake group is spreading rumors that I stopped lifting. That's always a dead giveaway.

The only legitimate English TG Frax groups are as follows: https://t.me/fraxfinance https://t.me/fraxtrading https://t.me/fraxfinancenews

Logarithmic Rex Salomon
Ty! It's probably worth pinning this message

I feel like the fake one will also just pin their own version "the only legitimate English TG Frax group is: t.me/fakefrax" And it'll be the same difficulty to distinguish unless you just keep the real URL in your brain.

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
I feel like the fake one will also just pin their ...

A friend of mine ( @KryptosChain ) came up with a good idea. He pays like $8 a month to have Telegram premium. This allows him to set emojis in his name. Then, he uses the blue check (similar to Twitter).

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