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Wrote a thread addressing some misconceptions about frxETH: https://twitter.com/StableScarab/status/1658320662379782145?s=20

4 ответов

16 просмотров

Great thread ser, especially no.3 I don't think a lot of people understand its cheaper via Curve Pool.

Jae |
Great thread ser, especially no.3 I don't think a ...

Really no way to exchange frxeth to eth via Frax protocol in case 3rd parties not offering or too much slippage?

L (scammer don’t dm i’ll report)
Really no way to exchange frxeth to eth via Frax p...

Frax protocol owns the majority of the liquidity in the Curve pool. It is literally swapping your frxETH with the Frax protocol. The smart contracts are just published by Curve devs ;)

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