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Hello everyone, can anyone tell me how can I use VRF

on the Arbitrum? because the Chainlink doesn't support the VRF on Arbitrum,but some of project currently use of VRF Chainlink on Arbitrum such as Betswirl game

5 ответов

5 просмотров

Hi, BetSwirl integrated Chainlink VRF on BNB Mainnet, not on Arbitrum. You can see the list of VRF supported networks here: - VRF v1 - VRF v2

Amin-Malekzadeh Автор вопроса
Hi, BetSwirl integrated Chainlink VRF on BNB Mainn...

Awesome, so how use the VRF on Arbitrum technically?

Amin Malekzadeh
Awesome, so how use the VRF on Arbitrum technicall...

Chainlink VRF is not available on Arbitrum at the moment.

Amin-Malekzadeh Автор вопроса
Chainlink VRF is not available on Arbitrum at the ...

Then can you explain me the Betswirl how to use VRF Chainlink on the Arbitrum at the moment? I have a link from Arbitrum scan that is a Dice smart contract, and it's using of VRF on Arbitrum. Also, I can't send link here because the bot will be removed it

Amin Malekzadeh
Then can you explain me the Betswirl how to use VR...

Ask the BetSwirl team. Using Chainlink VRF on Arbitrum is not possible right now, since said network is not yet supported

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