209 похожих чатов

Hi Guys Are The HEX Contact addresses the same for

both chains ? 😄

11 ответов

12 просмотров


Yes but bridged ehex is different

Triple Alliance- Автор вопроса
T Don

Thanks T DON

Triple Alliance
Thanks T DON

Triple Alliance (39) has increased reputation of T Don (836)

Did you mean "contact" or "contRact" addresses?

Triple Alliance- Автор вопроса
Triple Alliance

contRact The CA Add

Triple Alliance
Different how ?

RH tweeted the address for bridge hex on pulsechain and it is different hash

Triple Alliance

Who or what are you trying to contact? No one. Hence, absent compelling reason otherwise, you had to have meant "contract".

Triple Alliance- Автор вопроса
T Don

So mate , I am bridging Hex from ETH network to PulseChain & already have HEX on Pchain ( copies ) In MMas k I will need 2 acc for Hex as they are 2 different CAdd yes ?

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