209 похожих чатов

Ok just made a limit order for eHEX on matcha.

Anything I need to know? Its my 1st time using it.

9 ответов

7 просмотров

Just don't be surprised if it dont work. It's hit and miss.

your order might not get filled for various reasons: https://help.matcha.xyz/en/articles/4209180-why-hasn-t-my-limit-order-been-filled

Hexy-Boy Автор вопроса

If I lock my Metamask, will the limit order be cancelled? I set a limit of 1 day

Hexy Boy
If I lock my Metamask, will the limit order be can...

No your wallet does not need to be active, you signed the contract and submitted the order so it all happens on chain

Hexy-Boy Автор вопроса
Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ [I won't DM you]
No your wallet does not need to be active, you sig...

I logged out of MM then logged in I can't see the previous view on matcha of my limit order. Is that normal? The limit order is still active now?

Click Open Orders below the chart if your wallet in connected

Hexy Boy
Wtf? No open limit orders

correct wallet connected in the top right?

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