214 похожих чатов

Less thasn 1% votes, need what kind of qourum?

3 ответов

8 просмотров

Hello👋 As I figured from the documentation, more than 50% of voters must cast yes to accept the proposal https://docs.waves.tech/en/blockchain/mining/mining-reward#current-voting-status

Vova 🔹 Waves
screenshot Hello👋 As I figured from the documentation, more t...

On Mainnet every 10000 blocks the node sums up the number of blocks with support for a feature. If a feature was supported in more than 80% of blocks during the last calculation period it becomes Approved. Otherwise, the voting continues and can take another voting period or more. https://docs.waves.tech/en/waves-node/activation-protocol#voting

On Mainnet every 10000 blocks the node sums up the...

I appreciate your correct explanation to me and the community because I'm not as close to the 'Nodes' as you❤️ So I need to separate conditions of voting for features and block rewards?

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