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Получил email от RIK EE который ниже. Правильно ли понимаю,

что если юр адрес компании OU находится в Эстонии, то контактное лицо не нужно?

До этого ежегодно оплачивал услуги контактное лицо + юр адрес. Вот хочу понять, нужно ли по прежнему контактное лицо или только можно обойтись юр адресом?

We are writing to you to inform that as the amendments in Commercial Register Act § 24 subsection 6 entered into force on February 1 2023, only those Estonian legal persons whose address is located in a foreign country must appoint a contact person. If the address of the legal entity is located in Estonia, then appointing the contact person is optional, but if you wish to keep the contact person currently entered in the register, the term of office of the contact person must be submitted to the registrar no later than April 30, 2023.
If a contact person has already previously been appointed, an application for adding the contact person's term of office can be submitted via the e-Business Register.

(If only the term of office of the contact person has been added or changed in the application, the state fee does not have to be paid.)

Detailed guidelines for adding the contact person are available at Help website.

Please note that even if the contact person has currently been appointed, but the term of office for the contact person is not added by April 30, 2023, the contact person will be automatically deleted from the legal entity's data.
The contact person's information will be automatically deleted in the future also if the term of office date has passed.

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само контактное лицо должно находиться в Эстонии

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