209 похожих чатов

Great news, something I didnt quite understand, will we be

able to boost our locked coti for the campaign with the gCoti or only new deposits?

8 ответов

13 просмотров

I will check about it

We will share more details on the apy boost feature closer to its release.

Prince || COTI
We will share more details on the apy boost featur...

Quick question: Why does the COTI network need additional boosting from other tokens, such as gCOTI? Also, why not solely run everything using COTI tokens?

Kod Rock
Quick question: Why does the COTI network need add...

COTI token is needed for making transactions on COTI chain and is also at the centre of treasury for receiving fees from across the ecosystem. However, gCOTI will be rewarded to those who provide liquidity to treasury and Participate in liquidation. I suggest going through the litepaper to understand the differences among the tokens and new features that were not feasible with COTI. https://coti.io/files/treasury2.0_lp.pdf

Prince || COTI
COTI token is needed for making transactions on CO...

So people on coinbase will not be able to receive gcoti, correct?

Prince || COTI
When did I say that?

I never said you did. It's another question. Sorry.

Kod Rock
I never said you did. It's another question. Sorry...

For the native and erc20 campaign that happened, the distribution is on viper wallet itself. However, stay tuned for exchange airdrop. While which exchange the campaign will go live is not announced yet, the distribution for that campaign will be on that exchange itself. If coinbase will receive it or not will depend on which exchange is supporting the airdrop. On a side note, we are close to being able to announce which exchange it is, so stay tuned.

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