Update 1.5 and 2.0?
Hey Origami, let get back to you on this.
Hey hey, have you answer for me? 😊
Hey Origami. This doesn't change for 1.5. Details for 2.0 will be shared when it's closer to be released.
I can't answer it with 100% certainty but I remember in the beginning when the block time was at ~60s it could have max 2500 deploys in 1 block. Now with ~30s block time the deploys were reduced by 50% as well like the block time. So AFAIK the block time will first stay at ~30s and my guess is that it won't affect the number of deploys per block. When the block time will be later reduced to ~16s I would guess that the deploys either are reduced by 50% again or stay the same. I think the 50% reduction is more likely though. On the other hand: Why is the number of deploys important for you? Some details for 16s block time are here (you need to read a few messages following that one): https://t.me/casperblockchain/657797
Thanks for the info. I'm an investor of CSPR and I'm trying to assess how scalable Casper is when there is a lot of traffic at some point.
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