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Question: the ehex price is the same as the phex

price on pulsechain, but not on ethereum, if i bridge over my ethereum hex to pulsechain will it then have the same value ? and how does that work?

3 ответов

11 просмотров

The bridged eHex may have a slightly different value on Pulsechain than on ethereum - but you will recover the original value when you bridge it back over again. But buys and sells on pulsechain can cause the wrapped Hex (from eth network) to have a slightly different price to that on eth directly.

Crypto_Holder93- Автор вопроса
The bridged eHex may have a slightly different val...

Yeah since pulsechain says ehex and phex are at 0.017 and ethereum says its at 0.015

Yeah since pulsechain says ehex and phex are at 0....

yep. This can happen. If you were a true degen - then you should sell this eHex for USDC - bridge this back to eth chain - but the original amount of hex again - and pocket the difference.

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