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Is pulsechain a migration of hex? Is this why hex

is tanking?

30 ответов

8 просмотров

HEX does not have admin keys

You mean money printer go brrrrrr!

Travis-Trades Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
HEX does not have admin keys

Do you need admin keys for a migration? What is pulse then

No migration. It's a fork. Copy paste of full system state

Travis-Trades Автор вопроса

If users find a better Layer and choose to opt in to that one through voting or whatever other mechanism

Travis-Trades Автор вопроса
Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ [I won't DM you]
No migration. It's a fork. Copy paste of full syst...

So do hex and pulsechain compliment eachother or oppose? Why has hex dumped so hard after pulsechain launch?

Travis Trades
If users find a better Layer and choose to opt in ...

There's no such "governance" in HEX. HEX and Uniswap were the first DeFi products and services in crypto. They both work perfectly fine even after 3 years and cannot be shut down. And why would they be shut down? Who would benefit of that?

Travis Trades
So do hex and pulsechain compliment eachother or o...

If you can't answer that question on your own, then I don't think you will be able to understand any explanation.

Travis-Trades Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
If you can't answer that question on your own, the...

I’m asking a legitimate question lol is it regulatory? Is it because of pulsechain launch? Is it because people need liquidity due to current market conditions? Based on current price action it looks to be most correlated to the launch of pulse chain but if you don’t want to explain that’s fine

Travis-Trades Автор вопроса
You are overthinking it.

Based on what I’ve found it looks like pulsechain is just a fork of ETH with lower transaction costs. Are people selling off HEX because they’re moving over to pulsechain to stake the new hex? Is this the reason for the sell off? Or if you buy hex on ETH is it 1 for 1 on pulsechain?

Travis Trades
I’m asking a legitimate question lol is it regulat...

Did you knew that Pulsechain forked the entire Ethereum blockchain database and added fundamentals to it? Did you knew that a week after launch, Pulsechain was the second biggest blockchain network, second only to Ethereum? Did you knew it is today on the 4th place despite the cool down phase? And do you know that the majority of people tend to rekt their bags given the opportunity to do so? Especially by shinny object syndrome? Where do you think all that money these people lose goes? Did you knew that a certain popular crypto wallet founder spent millions attacking HEX price supports and is now draining Pulsicans' money via dozens of scams on Pulsechain? If you don't know any of those, then you have an information asymmetry issue, which means you need to be damn careful with your decisions.

Travis Trades
Based on what I’ve found it looks like pulsechain ...

Look at Richard's tweet above. Many of the early adopters of PulseChain happen to be involved in HEX as the founder is the same. Weak hands simply went from one shiny thing to another. Nothing changed in the fundamentals of HEX itself

Travis-Trades Автор вопроса
Travis Trades
Thanks for answering some of my questions👍🏼

Travis Trades (0) has increased reputation of Nenad [I won't dm you] (3111)

Travis-Trades Автор вопроса
Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ [I won't DM you]
Look at Richard's tweet above. Many of the early a...

So since staking is moving to pulsechain is hex still a buy or are people selling it to move over to pulsechain to stake hex there? This is my main question I’m trying to figure out. I understand pulsechain and the migration over of all tokens but these are forks correct? So if I buy 1 hex on eth it’s the same as 1 hex on pulsechain but these fees are a lot higher when it comes to transacting with hex on ETH instead of Pulsechain

Travis-Trades Автор вопроса
Travis Trades
So since staking is moving to pulsechain is hex st...

Like are these bonded 1 for one across chain?

Travis Trades
So since staking is moving to pulsechain is hex st...

Yo need to understand that nothing moved. A copy is different to move. HEX Staking is available on both Ethereum and PulseChain

Travis-Trades Автор вопроса
Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ [I won't DM you]
Yo need to understand that nothing moved. A copy i...

Nothing has changed to hex or staking but fees are less on pulsechain so people are moving to pulsechain to stake, and if they’re moving to pulsechain to stake they’re selling hex on eth for hex on pulsechain, so these tokens should be 1 for 1 correct?

Travis Trades
Nothing has changed to hex or staking but fees are...

Majority of those who are selling hex on ethereum are probably going for other shiny things on PulseChain, not directly swapping for HEX on PulseChain. There isn't full parity between HEX on both chains yet, but some of the liquidity is bonded

Travis-Trades Автор вопроса
Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ [I won't DM you]
Majority of those who are selling hex on ethereum ...

Yes this is what I was asking, thank you very much! Obviously when there’s 2 different chains, tokens, staking contracts, etc. there will be some disparity between the 2

Travis Trades
Yes this is what I was asking, thank you very much...

Travis Trades (0) has increased reputation of Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ [I won't DM you] (713)

Travis Trades
Yes this is what I was asking, thank you very much...

Arbitrage opportunites exist for those who wish to make money from the price differences between and within chains. This encourages price parity closer

Travis Trades
Yes this is what I was asking, thank you very much...

As long as there will be disparity and volatility on the eHEX/HEX pair on PulseX, some people will be taking other's people HEX. The solution is to avoid leaving money on the table for arbitragers to take. But since this can't really happen, opportunities will abound.

Travis-Trades Автор вопроса
Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ [I won't DM you]
Arbitrage opportunites exist for those who wish to...

Yes but there will need to be a big enough discrepancy between the two including fee cost to make profitable. Where can I find marketcap of pulsechain and supply and all that?

Travis-Trades Автор вопроса
Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ [I won't DM you]
You underestimate those seeking out those opportun...

I’m very familiar with similar systems and have seen first hand some of the issues. Still fun to speculate tho

Travis Trades
Nothing has changed to hex or staking but fees are...

Also, a lot of people are swapping their HEX for PLS so no wonder.

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