209 похожих чатов

Im partly agreeing with @coti_whale , if u want to

keep the head above water, its not only background development. U want attention as a prpject right? U want people getting into your project. But that wont happen like this. The marketing is imo...for now.. not good. The more we bleed, the more people we lose. Because other project DO put effort in growing community. ( and monney)

7 ответов

8 просмотров

The exchange has to give the ok to announce. You can spend a million on marketing, if the partners dont give the ok you cant do much

Gladiator-Boog Автор вопроса

Im not talking avout the exchange

Gladiator Boog
Im not talking avout the exchange

there is a lot of preperation before making announcements, and a lot of teams involved, you got make articles, develop platforms etc, make schedules. All that have to be also tripple checked. It has only been a few weeks since the previous campaign ended. Tiny bit more patience and it will all come

Gladiator-Boog Автор вопроса
Stefanos | Innovunode.io (afk)
there is a lot of preperation before making announ...

Its not only about the exchange. Somehow we perform not very well last years / maybe a bit longer. I have some ideas why. But at the same time i see nameless projects do way better with nothing. Also total dead projects without development. Etc etc

Gladiator Boog
Its not only about the exchange. Somehow we perfo...

I'm talking in general, if you see the roadmap, there is more to gCoti than only the exchange. The community campaign spefically. That will most likely boost social engagement

Stefanos | Innovunode.io (afk)
there is a lot of preperation before making announ...

At what point are we being apologists? Every single company, startup, coin, you name it has the same challenges. Some handle it well, some are slow, or underestimate its importance. I’m involved in crypto, angel investments, and private equity. I’m in Coti for particular reasons. I was sold on the vision of coin on coin in a low market cap asset. I still buy into that potential, hence still very invested. But, these statements shouldn’t be seen as FUD or frustration with the price. I’m begging Coti to help themselves here or at some point people will divest. They have to build more groundswell, marketing, and have some actual assets being built on top of multidag. Without it, volume will never come

Coti Whale
At what point are we being apologists? Every sing...

I've worked back on 2018-20 with two different crypto projects aswell, and i have experienced myself the internals and how things go. It always seem so different from the outside, patience is key. The deadline is still not hit, they are pretty much on schedule so i there is no need for worries.

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