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From here there isn't much downside I personally believe so

people should not panic right now, by realizing that they where happy buying hex at 0,05 an now they panic. but still they where happy to buy at 0,05 because it gave them more coins, why don't they think that way now? certainly because they got overexposed at 0,05 or whatever price

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11 просмотров

ETHHEX.com (a Uniswap frontend) More onramp methods : Hexicans.info/onramps

The problem is outside the ecosystem. The US economy and its banking system is collapsing. Money is getting destroyed with credit lines getting wiped out.

Steil-David Автор вопроса
T.C. no dm
The problem is outside the ecosystem. The US econo...

yes that's true, but on the other side crypto's are not going down right now

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