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Is it true that when CCIP is live it can

be paid in any token and will be converted to link?

10 ответов

6 просмотров
lezdoit-2 Автор вопроса

what about this? is fake?

lezdoit 2
what about this? is fake?

You referring to this? https://fxtwitter.com/CryptoDavid_/status/1663626717758464002

lezdoit-2 Автор вопроса
lezdoit 2
what about this? is fake?

I would take it as speculation atm only because CCIP is still technically in development. However, in the initial CCIP information from last year, there was mention of this type of capability/function.

lezdoit 2
yes, is is true?

So the answer is yes and no 😁

The first part is definitely true based on the code, other tokens can be used for payment whether or not they will forcibly be converted to link is still technically unknown

You referring to this? https://fxtwitter.com/Cry...

For the record, setting a feeToken variable is a Solidity common practice where the fee is defined and used for units conversion. It doesn't reveal any sort of information on whether a specific token is used or not, but rather it can help to stablish a relatively stable price against another asset, specially important when there are gas costs involved (basically everytime a Chainlink Node writes something on-chain, like updating a data feed). For example, in the case of the Chainlink Automation economics, you can read the following: "Chainlink Automation only requires an execution fee for transactions on-chain. This fee includes the transaction cost, a percentage premium, and a small fixed gas overhead accounting for gas between the network and the registry. The premium compensates the Automation Network for monitoring and performing your upkeep." This fixed gas cost overhead is extremely relevant because in the case of CCIP, there will be at least, two gas units that will require to be calculated in LINK to compensate the nodes properly. Imagine that a CCIP or ARM DON is writing information on two chains simultaneously. You need to calculate how much LINK is it owed to the CCIP DON for performing that job, but in order to do that you need to calculate: 1) Units of gas used in two (or more) chains, 2) Price of gas units in both chains (nominated in ETH and MATIC, for example). 3) How much LINK is that gas cost overhead equivalent to? If I had to guess, I'd say that the CCIP economics site in our docs, won't have many differences with the Chainlink Automation economics site tbh 👍

If they're not converted, the node operators will be forced to accept fee revenue in shitcoins

Slowpoke V
If they're not converted, the node operators will ...

For context https://t.me/chainlinkofficial/464892

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