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Good afternoon @stefschmidt / @martenjung, do you have an explanation

for the current lack of Baseledger transactions?
Most of the community is hoping for the transactions to go up, so we are getting worried when instead we see them return to nearly zero.

5 ответов

15 просмотров
B.A.- Автор вопроса

I am hoping you guys can shed some light on the current situation regarding the Baseledger transactions? @martenjung / @stefschmidt Have a nice day!

I am hoping you guys can shed some light on the cu...

Would be also nice to shed some light on the current situation regarding all other developments.

I am hoping you guys can shed some light on the cu...

Hi everyone, we cannot tell why organizations/parties using Baseledger and/or UB.ONE create certain tx at certain times and why they don't. The idea is for everyone to be able to use our products to their liking. If there is a decrease, perhaps some processes are being stopped/reviews or transactions are being bundled. We can really only guess as well. But looking at the recent weeks and months, we had and have a positive feeling on our products and services offered. Just keep in mind that blockchain and crypto in general is having a bit of a hard time and we are in for the long run...... Best

B.A.- Автор вопроса

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