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On a more serious note, any inside news on the

driveable pieces evolving into racing etc?

7 ответов

12 просмотров

No inside news sorry Fam! I think LiDAR tech needs to be more readily available in smartphones (or glasses) before it’s really practical

Zperlond - Back In Business🔥🐐- Автор вопроса
⭕️ Rhys ⭕️
No inside news sorry Fam! I think LiDAR tech needs...

Makes sense, my lambo keep disappearing under the pavement😅

⭕️ Rhys ⭕️
No inside news sorry Fam! I think LiDAR tech needs...

Rhys do you know that VEVE app dont work in Ukraine and I cant dowload in apple market because it lost

Rhys do you know that VEVE app dont work in Ukrain...

Hey mate, yes I think this has been mentioned to me, can you access via the web app?

no I cant

no I cant

Hmmmm I thought that would be the option to use. I think the App Store thing had something to do with the war/sanctions, but I’ll have to find out on that front Can you confirm that you can’t access the web app *at all?* or you just can’t log into it

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