209 похожих чатов

Someone explain to me what these autistic retards get out

of forever listing lower than the last guy ? You enjoy losing money or not making what you could because you are an impatient know nothing useless waste of life ? just keep tanking market because you got lucky and know nothing and are to stupid to learn. i hope you all lose everything and cant ever get back in to ruin anything else

8 ответов

10 просмотров

They probably breed some high power ones, made a profit and want to cut their loses on the rest?

I’m hoping uncommon hits 0.1 eth by tomorrow 🤞

that alwals happens lol when the prices were up, and maybe floor was 0,6 then appears another one with the best uncommon and list ir for 0,55

I do it all the time

0.12 now , 0.1 within a few hours 🍺

What price do you guess It Will stabilize?

Crypt🌑 Senyo
I’m hoping uncommon hits 0.1 eth by tomorrow 🤞

Make sure you buy a lot. You won’t see this price again

Ugh Jij
Make sure you buy a lot. You won’t see this price ...

true.. when we reach 0.05 😂 or did you mean the other direction

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