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So. Can we talk about what the plan is here?

Since Carbon launched ~50 days ago, it has generated $477 fees across 34 users. Because this is still relatively new, let's be generous and round that down to 30 days and we'll go ahead and 10x the fees. Why not. By my calculation, that means Carbon will wipe the deficit in oh about 400 years. I would like to not hand this deficit down to my grandchildren's grandchildren.

Even if we somehow 1000x the current Carbon fees we're still looking at 4 years until the deficit is cleared. I know there are a lot of macro moving pieces right now, but I would really like to know what Bancor's plan is because current state is not working (not the protocol itself, seems like it's working but I can't even try it myself if I wanted to).

I really appreciate any insight you could share @MB_Richardson or anyone else.

2 ответов

7 просмотров

Also it’s not accurate to say each dollar in Carbon fees creates a dollar equivalent in deficit reduction. So you can’t really model the amount of Carbon fees required to close the deficit. Ultimately the deficit is tied to the TKN-BNT ratio on Bancor v3 and v2.1.

Shane- Автор вопроса
Nate Hindman 🗿
Also it’s not accurate to say each dollar in Carbo...

Fair point. I was just doing a straightline calculation and more for emphasis than anything. So do you think where we Carbon is currently with TVL and fees is on track with what you were expecting? Obviously it will grow over time, but I feel like V3 exploded out of the gate. Given macro conditions that same level of excitement isn't possible, but are we on track for where we are?

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