209 похожих чатов

Hyy @Admin , why do I Fee in Eth(Arb) instead

of Arb(Arb) ???

9 ответов

16 просмотров

Please ask your question in this group only, and wait for members of the community to respond to your request. Do not accept any private messages from users or even accounts that look like admins offering help, as they are ALL scammers. 👨🏻‍💻 There's no official support on social media. If you require Customer Support, please submit a ticket directly from within your Trust Wallet app from: Settings >> About >> Support or via web here.

Ethereum is used to pay the /fees on the Arbitrum network, not the Arb token.

• Vashi🔺, please keep in mind that Trust Wallet does not charge any fees for any network operations you do as explained in this article.

Luis Montes ⚡
But Eth is the competitor of Arb?

The Arbitrum network is not a competitor of the Ethereum network. Instead, the Arbitrum network is built on the EVM to ensure the same level of security as Ethereum while reducing gas fees.

Luis-Montes ⚡ Автор вопроса
Luis Montes ⚡
Matic network works like Arb and we fee pay in Mat...

Arbitrum is an Optimistic Rollup scaling solution, processing transactions off-chain and validating them on Ethereum's mainnet.

Mushahid (Trust Squad) 🇵🇰
Arbitrum is an Optimistic Rollup scaling solution,...

On the other hand Polygon combines sidechains and a standalone blockchain, offering flexibility and compatibility with Ethereum.

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