210 похожих чатов

Have any one unstake from earn and after 21 days

the kava is not in wallet anymore?

4 ответов

17 просмотров

Is this via Metamask or a cosmos based wallet. Simply withdrawing from Kava Earn doesn't start the undelegation process it still leaves it staked with a validator and earning standard liquid staking rewards. You will need to start the undelegation (unstaking) process from within your wallet such as Keplr ot Trust wallet. The only exception is metamask users where the withdrawal from Kava Earn also activates the undelegation process

DN-Donald's Автор вопроса

Sir hi. Im metamask user .. last week I used the Lend USDT option and claimed for the first time my 12 month kava locked coins. Then a message popped on my screen "Stake" kava and I did lol Now I see the message I cant claim, this is a metamask problem or general Eth / kava EVM problem? If its a metamask problem maybe importing my ETH keys to another wallet brand could solve this? Or Its under development and Will be fixed soon ? Thx

Sir hi. Im metamask user .. last week I used the L...

No, importing private key into another wallet won't solve the problem itself. What error message do you see that you couldn't claim?

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