209 похожих чатов

Hey, what is the minimum available balance to be able

to cash out? Still 500+100 or its different now?

4 ответов

6 просмотров

Yes, 100 Gems is required for minimum withdrawal but you need at least 500 to be eligible. Currently in beta and batches for the payout Find out more https://t.me/ecomi/1155706

Zperlond - Back In Business🔥🐐- Автор вопроса
Jennifer AmaZix
Yes, 100 Gems is required for minimum withdrawal b...

Any plans to lower the minimum "buffer" amount? It's encouraging to dump 600gem worth of stuff rather than 100

Zperlond - Back In Business🔥🐐
Any plans to lower the minimum "buffer" amount? It...

If there’s any update with regards to the minimum gems for payout, we will be sure to communicate it to the community

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