209 похожих чатов

Hi mates how's everyone doing? I'm back again. What's new

here in Idex? I was away last two months family responsibility.

1 ответов

15 просмотров

Hi there and welcome back! 💜🫡 Fresh news: IDEX will have its own Layer 2 powered by Polygon's zkEVM! I'll share with you some links about our latest updates: Here you can read more about XCHAIN https://medium.com/idex/xchain-idexs-evolutionary-leap-into-zkevm-27d010dc7321 and you might want to read Alex's comments about it here: https://twitter.com/AlexWearn/status/1677002337984839686 You can also listen to our latest community call "Spill the Alpha" where the team talked about XCHAIN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRsPOk6nUsI and this is a nice thread about it too: https://twitter.com/idexio/status/1681667709455433729

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