209 похожих чатов

Folks, how does good accounting work, please? I'm defo not

paying $70 to end a stake of less than $100

6 ответов

8 просмотров

End stake calculates days, removes shares from pool & mints. Good accounting calculates days & removes shares from pool. This allows to mint at a later date. Either can prevent late end stake penalties.

Nenad [I won't dm you]

Save money on network fees by manually setting the gas price bid based on what is quoted at etherscan.io/gastracker?t=1690198457 and on how urgent you need the transaction approved (e.g., swaps are more urgent than staking and endstaking which can be left waiting much longer). Also cheap gas by hour chart: https://hex.vision/app/kibana#/dashboards?title=Gas%20Prices To prevent the "out of gas error" that costs you the allocated fee, increase the gas limit for at least 10% above what the wallet estimates (this does not affect the fee you pay). Gas prices are generally lower during the weekends.

Joe 🦴-Anny Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]

I've set the gas to $10 for days now and no validator is picking it up

Doesn't work the way you imagine it to be.

Joe 🦴 Anny
I've set the gas to $10 for days now and no valida...

Fee is irrelevant. Only gas price matters (sometimes the validator tip too). Make sure you don't underbid below the minimum gas price that still went through in the last week.

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