212 похожих чатов

I have reef on reefchain on Klever.. anyway to move

it to trust wallet admin?

5 ответов

8 просмотров

Not at the moment. Trust wallet does not yet support the Reef Chain

Papa 🔺
Not at the moment. Trust wallet does not yet suppo...

Is there a reason for no support on trust wallet or is it up to them?

Is there a reason for no support on trust wallet o...

It’s up to Trust Wallet to add support for Reef Chain

Is there a reason for no support on trust wallet o...

Trust Wallet does support Reef as erc20 or bep20 but alas no Reef20 yet.

Don't call me Shirley!
Trust Wallet does support Reef as erc20 or bep20 b...

Yes exactly, they support Ethereum and BNBChain so they support all ERC20 and BEP20 tokens.

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