210 похожих чатов

Hi guys im looking to buy USDT on kava, where

can I find it?

5 ответов

6 просмотров

For native USDT, Kucoin, Bitget, Bitfinex and gate.io support the withdrawal of Native USDt to KavaEVM but you would need to check which ones have withdrawals open currently for the KavaEVM withdrawal option. Curve and Equilibre both pools so you can swap assets to USDt

Aratao- Автор вопроса

No i dont need it on EVM, i need it on cosmos based

Aratao- Автор вопроса

Cool thx

Cool thx

I believe it can be done via the CLI but not yet via the kava web app, etc. https://t.me/kavalabs/474314

No i dont need it on EVM, i need it on cosmos base...

it's difficult first time, but then it's easy. Other option is send busd to a CEX, change to USDt, and send to a CEX that supports the withdrawal of Native USDt to KavaEVM as Kucoin, Bitget, Bitfinex and gate.io

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