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I sacrificed from Trust Wallet. What do I do? Video:


You can now add custom RPC settings to your Android Mobile Trust wallet:
1a. Go to pulsechain.vercel.app within the app's browser.
2a. Go to https://app.pulsex.com/swap
2b. Click connect wallet and choose Trust wallet.

For added security, it is recommended that you consider using a hardware wallet to store your coins. Hardware wallets provide an extra layer of protection for your cryptocurrency, do consider transferring your seed to a hardware wallet and using MetaMask on a laptop for added security.

7 ответов

8 просмотров

What if I’m on iPhone

What if I’m on iPhone

Sadly, no love from Trust Wallet. I wont use a wallet that have been compromised before tbh

What if I’m on iPhone

Get an Android and use sunbird to send iMessages

santhosh shetty
Onekey walllet best wallet till now i used ,then l...

Onekey is made in China. Certain level of risks.

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