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Hello, which wallet can I use to store my cspr?

Btw does casper is somehow related to cosmos ecosystem?

2 ответов

8 просмотров

There is no wallet which can store CSPR - all wallets store your private key only and manage your access and interaction with the blockchain.

Hey Plato. We recommend you use a Ledger should have one. If you don't have a Ledger, you can use the Casper Wallet. You can find the guides for both here: Ledger https://docs.casper.network/workflow/ledger-setup/ Casper Wallet https://www.casperwallet.io/user-guide/getting-started There are also several community options available such as Casper Holders(with Ledger), CasperDash, casper.tor.us and Simple Wallet. And no, Casper is not related to Cosmos.

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