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@Benzenoid In a hypothetical scenario in which all exisiting HEX

are simultaneously being staked for a HEX year of 364 days and no penalties supply inflation must be 0% on a monthy basis because all HEX have been burned until all HEX gets unstaked at the same day. Can we know what year over year inflation would be in that particular scenario afther 1 HEX year (1+(0.0369 / 364))^364  -1 which is roughly 3.75% y/y supply inflation is that right?

1 ответов

7 просмотров

If all the HEX is burnt on the same day, say January 1st, then the supply deflation on that day would be 100%. If all of that HEX plus yield gets minted within the same year, say December 31st, then the inflation would be whatever the sum of all yield for those stakes would be. Not easy to calculate though, as one would have to take into account also the existing stakes, etc., but could be around 3-4%.

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