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Is this POL token just a rename for the Matic

token and can keep it staked as is or how’s this gonna work!?

3 ответов

13 просмотров

Yes you can keep it staked https://t.me/polygonofficial/1211548

Akamaru-(DON't DM ME, EVER!!!) Автор вопроса
Yes you can keep it staked https://t.me/polygonoff...

Hmm 🤔 A rename/upgrade but with at least one or possibly more actions that will need to be taken to “migrate”. Interesting read but somehow makes me nervous holding as much Matic as I do since I see so much potential for things to go sideways if one domino falls wrong. Not sure how to feel about this much change in one big move like this. 😳 Guess we’ll have to try stay calm and see how things go these next few months with this. Just keeping my fingers crossed it’s not a close call or anything like that toward either way when vote’s ended. 😬

Akamaru-(DON't DM ME, EVER!!!) Автор вопроса

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