209 похожих чатов

Don'T give any date just tell them product is not

ready yet simple?

10 ответов

8 просмотров

With the launch of public testnet net coming up it would be hard to say that things are wrapping up.

Hey totally understand your frustration, it's challenging for us too. For some context, for the longest time we refused to provide any sort of dates or estimates, as you said we wanted to just launch when it was ready. But people hated that, so we started providing estimates with the caveat that they are just estimates and subject to change. We provide updates every two weeks on our community calls, and also chat about things in telegram and discord to try and keep people informed. It's very difficult to estimate timelines when something like this is brand new, and when new opportunities come along in the process (e.g. Polygon approaching us about XCHAIN, which is adding scope but we feel is absolutely worth it). If you have specific suggestions on how to improve this process please do let us know, we've just accepted it as one of the challenges of building publicly.

Kishor-c Автор вопроса
Hey totally understand your frustration, it's chal...

By the way you look like justin Trudeau Canada prime minister

Kishor-c Автор вопроса
Hey totally understand your frustration, it's chal...

Just go on sir, launch the Xchain mainnet atleast by September👍

Hey totally understand your frustration, it's chal...

In one word , does it looks like launching isn't feasible as pre-planned for Summer again?

Can't think of a word that best answers your question but I'd reiterate that our estimates are subject to change depending on the circumstances.

Kishor c
Just go on sir, launch the Xchain mainnet atleast ...

XCHAIN is a must for a perp biz to make it better for the end user, and to add value to the project. Eventually crypto changes tech so often that it is not easy to keep track of the constant upgrades.

SteppenWolf Afzalan
So it will be on later 2 not layer 3 ok?

@RAfzalan that picture was taken from Binance app. Let me show you bellow. On picture 2 scroll down.

Carlos | IDEX
Can't think of a word that best answers your quest...

Please you got this as fact from the team or you're just letting me know what it is .. ? If then it's a fact then a friend probably guessed right. The launch was bn shifted since last year through every quarters this year and trying to fade off again at the late hour.

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