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When zilswap is integrated - usually a wallet takes a

fee for this, do you want to pay extra fee for this or it's better to use normal dapp? it's ok to take a fee, many wallets do this, but there must be a choice. they don't give you a choice.

4 ответов

9 просмотров

There is no extra fee..fee is normal.

UD 🛡 CryptoDomains.crypto ZIL🚀
There is no extra fee..fee is normal.

wrong. Moonlet charge swap fee on top of trading fee charged by zilswap

Super-Man | Avely Finance Автор вопроса
Bud I will never DM you & ask for funds
wrong. Moonlet charge swap fee on top of trading f...

this is what I was talking about. you pay extra fee for a wallet which is bad for the entire Zilliqa ecosystem because it limits users possibilities

Super Man | Avely Finance
this is what I was talking about. you pay extra fe...

i second on that, i used in the past moonlet, then i bought ledger cuz i always wanted a cold wallet, and since i use ledger to connect to zilpay for example or zillet dapps, for staking/receive/wirthdraw rewards etc. i noticed that from the rewards i payed MUCH LESS than i payed to receive in moonlet, i always had a schedule of withdrawing every 300 zilliqa rewards and i saw the fees i payed for were quite different than what moonlet was charging me for. so this is how i learned smth is off

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