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Kava inflation was increased heavyly to fund development. I remember,

that we where told that inflation would go back to regular rate after 1 year. Why is inflation still high? The one year was over in spring!

2 ответов

9 просмотров

Inflation is now continuing until the end of this year at which point there will be a fixed total supply with a possible burn mechanism at some point. The new tokens being created each day ate moved to the origins DAO and community pool to fund future development and incentives for many many years when inflation is switched of at the end of the year. These extra tokens are not circulating freely yet but are including in the CMC circulating supply figures which is where the market cap is calculated from Eventually it's intended that high EVM usage will generate sufficient revenue to become self supporting, but until that point these pools of funds built up will be used to fund development and incentives, etc

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