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🗳 Vote Now to Keep Moonbeam Shining Bright! Exciting times

are ahead! Our lease on Polkadot is due to expire in October 2023. But guess what? We've secured a new parachain slot, and now we need YOUR help for the next big step.

The Plan: Extend, Swap, and Thrive
To keep Moonbeam glowing on Polkadot until June 2025, we're proposing a "swap" of lease periods. This swap ensures uninterrupted operation and block production. No swaps by October means no active parachain slot. Let's avoid that!

How You Can Spark the Change:
Your vote matters! Cast your vote to trigger the swap via an XCM message on Polkadot's relay chain. It's a teamwork masterpiece – Moonbeam (Parachain ID 2004) swaps lease slots with Parachain ID 3342. A matching move from ID 3342 seals the deal.

Keep the Light On:
With your support, Moonbeam will shine for a full lease period of about 96 weeks from August 1, 2023. This proposal has aced tests, and success is within reach!

Vote Here👇

Curious for more? Dive into the proposal on our Community Forum 👇

Let's vote, let's thrive, and let's keep Moonbeam's light beaming strong! 💥

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