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Hi Haithem, Here's our technical roadmap: https://github.com/orgs/skalenetwork/projects/6/views/9 SKALE has already built a multiple blockchain network on Ethereum. SKALE developers recently announced that they are working on: 1.) a ZK solution for the SKALE Network with rollup connectivity to Ethereum, called 'Levitation Protocol'; 2.) an L1 megachain that is set to be the fastest L1 EVM blockchain, called 'SKALE G'. You can read more about those here: - https://skale.space/blog/introducing-the-levitation-protocol-skales-solution-for-decentralized-zero-knowledge-proofs and here: - https://skale.space/blog/skale-ecosystem-and-tech-highlights-in-june-2023 SKALE is also focused on getting more dApps into the ecosystem, and keeping an eye on the announcement channel: https://t.me/skalefoundation you would find that the frequency of announcements on new dApps building on SKALE getting shared is increasing at a really good rate.

Mark | I do not PM first
Hi Haithem, Here's our technical roadmap: https://...

Yes just developing No marketing No integration with third party world no extensive liquidity from industry Bro it’s time

Yes just developing No marketing No integration wi...

Lots of integrations happening, the latest that was announced - for example - is with Elements. Dev marketing and onboarding are reaping fruit with all the new dApps deploying. Network stats always pushing new records. You can check out the monthly updates to keep updated: https://skale.space/blog/july-update-big-month-for-skale-with-massive-transaction-numbers

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