210 похожих чатов

Neither Casperpunk nor Caspertiger has this factor!!! I have a question,

what is the purpose of CasperTigers collection?
Do these NFTs have any future benefits or not?
because in the main website there is this paragraph "Each Tiger is unique and was created with Casper’s environmentally friendly NFT smart contract standards.
These standards allow for each upgradability that may include future benefits and utility to owners of these one-of-a-kind NFTs."

1 ответов

10 просмотров

Hey Cryptogram. The CasperTigers were released to celebrate the partnership between CasperLabs and China’s Blockchain based Service Network (BSN) during the year of the Tiger. Nothing has changed since the last time you asked, I'm afraid. https://t.me/casperblockchain/639850

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