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The SEC document says something like “unincorporated”. Where was

Hex, etc incorporated? I thought he had a crypto license in Estonia?

5 ответов

5 просмотров

HEX is a DeFi contract. It isn't a company and the code is immutable (no admin key), so there's nothing to incorporate about it anyway.

It actually is a winning argument because it makes all claims of unregistered securities ridiculous in front of a judge. Judges generally don't like arguments that make no legal sense - this is why the SEC lost the XRP case.

Fan-Basehead Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
It actually is a winning argument because it makes...

Maybe. It is def an argument but idk if it is a winning one in a civil case.

Nenad [I won't dm you]
It actually is a winning argument because it makes...

SEC has asked a federal judge for permission to move Ripple Labs token to an appeals court. That case may not be done yet it it still in the air and SEC can win.

I know, but decision by the judge actually has solid grounds. The judge did say that the promisecoin phase was indeed an unregistered securities sale, but that XRP traded on the market isn't a security. It is an innovative approach, but kind of makes sense.

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